My Lives…

The virtual and the real..

Yes I still insist on categorizing them as two completely different lives…and I’m going to keep it this way.

You see most of my “online/blog” friends are people I’ve never met..and I met the other few online/through the blog. My “real” friends are the people I know or met through these 23 years of my life. I chose the terms “real” and “virtual” simply because these are the terms used. But believe me…I have “virtual” friends who are to me..much more “real” friends.

Why I chose to separate both? Simply because I can’t handle merging them’s why..

My blogging experience started in 20062005 with a lousy MSN live “space” that included nothing but photos and stupid diaries. I did because it integrated well with the MSN live messenger (what was I thinking :S). It was just a way to stay connected with my friends in Egypt when I left there…it was like my FaceBook page back then..

Then I met the first blogger (gr33ndata)..and throuh his blog, I got introduced to the wonderful world of blogging.. By time, I began to write a bit more seriously..I remember the first post I was ever proud of (and still) ; it was a really pissed off post about “Sexual Harrassement” where I wrote about the first time I was harrassed..the incident that NO ONE knew about ..

At this point, I knew that through the blog, I can talk about stuff I can’t talk about in the “real” world…I deleted the MSN space..and moved to blogspot; Simply because people wouldn’t understand…It might sound a stupid reason, trust me it’s not.

You see, I’m a person who’s known as the “girl-who’s-always-lauging” (or La Vache Qui Rie :P), noone ever saw me crying (I make sure they don’t).  Where in my blog, I’m free, I can be sadangrydepressedhappygreatsillyin love…etc without worrying about silly comments or looks the other day. People here are honest (sometimes too much :D) and genuine.

It’s true that I keep a line between both worlds..but at the same time I don’t hide them..most of you guys know my real name (it’s Layal 🙂 ). I just don’t mention my blogging experience in “real” social gatherings. And most importantly, I don’t have my blog link in my FaceBook page, and I don’t have my FaceBook page link here…

The interesting thing is that I mentioned in a job interview that I own a blog(didn’t give the URL though)..and it somehow got me the job I have now 😉

I wrote this because I wanted to know if this is a common thing…or it’s just your blog a part of your “real” life?

إكتشفت إنّو

Hello world!

Finally!!! The blog still needs lots of work but it’s a start…

I changed the RSS link of the Feedburner if you’re subscribed to the FeedBurner RSS feed, nothing will change. If not, use it now 🙂

And yes I use WordPress now..

Not Fair!!!!

Gad el Maleh is not coming!! Ya Waylaaaaaah…

Seriously people,
What image are you talking about that’s ruined??
Where is it?? And HOW for god’s sake is it ruined??

Clashes in Beirut last week and a woman died..
Israel wondering in Lebanon..
That doesn’t ruin the friggin’ image(if any)?

So what he’s not coming??
Am I missing something here??
Is the economy ruined now??
Should I go and get food supplies and stuff for the great famine??
Did I lose the opportunity to have a decent life in this country?
I know you guys hate Al Manar..
but they have this right called “freedom of speech”
(whether you liked it or not)

This is probably the best thing happened to this Guy..
free publicity and advertizing!!

You need Comedy and you appreciate a good laugh??
Watch our politicians every’s even free!!

I wasn’t going to write about this but got encouraged by Jamal’s Post.

التحقيق الطائفي

بمجرد ما يسمعوا إني خطبت..
بتبلّش الأسئلة..
أسئلة هدفها واحد فقط لا غير
معرفة طائفة الشخص..اللي هو خطيبي..

الأسئلة متنوعة جداً وتدل على يأس الإنسان اللي قدامي بمعرفة الطائفة
و بشكل غير مباشر التوجه السياسي
بس ما بيسألوا لأن برأيهم التوجه السياسي يعرف بمعرفة الطائفة…
(ياعمّي الليبانيز بيبل غير شكل)

الأسئلة بتكون على الشكل التالي..
من وين
من بيت مين؟ (إسم العائلة )
وين ساكن؟
شو إسمه؟(هيدا إذا فشلوا تحيد الطائفة من الأسئلة السابقة)
أهله من وين؟
وين ساكنين
إلخ إلخ إلخ….

والمشكلة إنو ما بيسألوا السؤال المباشر..
طبعاً لأنهم مش متعصبين طائفياً!!!

فأنا صراحة بناءً على هالظاهرة الجديدة (بالنسبة لي..الطائفية موجودة بجينات الليبانيز بيبل)
قررت وفّر وقتهم و وقتي ورد بكلّ صراحة و وضوح على سؤالهم (الحقيقي)*

شو رأيكم؟

*ردة الفعل بدها قصة ثانية

Lebanese Elections 2009 on Twitter

About this Equality…

I need to straight up a point here:

When I call for male and female equality I mean I want men to be as good as women not the opposite. Although this is a male-dominant society –the one and only Middle East-, women are much better. And I would never want to change myself or any other female to reach the miserable state of the typical Middle East “man”.

A very simple example, sexually promiscuous men shouldn’t be encouraged (they’re free after all) instead of looked at as studs and real “Men”. While on the other side, women should be granted the abortion rights no matter how bad her reputation was when she was raped!! This stupid ‘You Deserve It’ theory SUCKS!!

So PLEASE dear man, don’t understand me talking about women rights that I look up to you, or that I want and fight to be like you…

I’m sorry if this offended anyone but I’ve had enough with the sexist comments I hear each time I discuss the Arab Women Issues in the area with someone.


This is blog and it’s owner are having a complete makeover..

  1. I’m FINALLY getting my own domain name.
  2. I’ll be one of the newest Drupal users 🙂
  3. I’ll start a semi service which will help (I hope so)… more on that later
  4. I have LOTS of books and documents to read!! I don’t know where to start, but I know I have to ASAP
  5. I need to do something about my attitude..

I have been postponing’s time to do something about it!!

ساعة الأرض بلبنان..غير شكل

بكرا ساعة الأرض
بدكن تطفوا كل شي كهربا لمدة ساعة
من الساعة 8 ونص لل9 ونص
خطوة كتير حلوة كرمال الأرض و حمايتها شوي من الإحتباس الحراري

أنا برأيي نعطي لبنان و لحكومته جائزة
لأنه طلعت عم تحمي الأرض مش عم تنصب عالشعب
بالتقنين طبعاً
ببيروت 3 ساعات بدون كهربا كل يوم
بضواحي بيروت والجبل يمكن توصل ل12 ساعة بلا كهربا كل يوم

شكراً حكومتنا الخضراء

تحديث: حكومة لبنان خضراء من زمان..
مش جديدة هالشغلة..وآكلة

إكتشفت إنّو

بعيد ميلادي ال23 (من يومين)
ما لقيت عندي شي إتمناه زيادة أنا وعم بطفي الشمع

ما كنت متوقعة أوصل لهالمرحلة بكير هالقد

Gmail Day Dreams…

…or more likely Nightmares.
I didn’t care much when I knew about the Gmail outage. I was at work with hundreds of stuff to do…

10 minutes later, I started to freak out, I thought about every web-application, account, subscription and contacts I use..Most of them (if not All) depend on my Gmail account. I even use Gmail for online file storage :$. I would literally die ‘virtually’ without it.*

Although the idea of Google owning us all (what I concluded from the freakig out) may annoy some, I still like Google. At least it united the world for a couple of hours for a good cause: Communication. That’s what we all humans are here for **…right?

* (I know only the Web Interface was down and it wasn’t that bad. I tend to dramatize things).
**(And we suck at it).

إكتشفت إنّو

كرهي لعيد الحب ماكان لأنه كنت وحيدة
هلأ أنا مع أحسن شخص ممكن كون معه
بس بعدني مابحب عيد الحب
حتى ماجبنا لبعض هدايا

حبوا بعض…كل يوم

Geocities 1996

If you’re into web design, then you definitely heard about ‘CSS Zen Garden‘.According to the Zen Garden it’s:

A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design.

In short it’s a place where web designers can show off their skills and designs. You take the plain HTML markup they give you, work on a design, style the HTML you took with CSS without changing a single bit in the HTML. It’s pretty challenging and that’s why you see wonderful submissions from around the world…

My favorite was the “Retro Theatre” theme. Until I saw the “Geocities 1996” one. Watch out before viewing it…It can hurt your eyes 😛 The author said he was nostalgic when he decided to create this beautifull mess, I mean design :D. He’s brilliant!

I hope this motivates you to submit your own Zen Garden CSS Design.

The most difficult Tag ever

Lasto-Adri tagged me with the toughest tag ever..I suffer from the lack-of-favorites syndrome so listing my favorite things isn’t an easy thing to do at all..But I’ll try…

Favorite color: Well I’m choosing black alot these days…but still it’s not a favorite yet.
Favorite perfume (guys): I don’t know…they all smell the same..
Favorite perfume (girls): YAY I know this one..Ralph-Ralph Lauren..I’ll get my fifth bottle soon.
Favorite pj brand: I don’t know.
Favorite clothes brand in general: I don’t know. Affordable brands?
Favorite person in the entire world: Him, Parents and Sisters.
Favorite country: Despite all the corruption and the sick society…Lebanon..that’s why I came back and I’m not planning to leave anytime soon.
Favorite car: I don’t know…
Favorite sport: I don’t know..Yoga?? I prefer the stretch-your-muscle school over the make-it-big one.
Favorite sport player: I don’t know..I don’t even care to know 🙂
Favorite spot in the World: A Beach?
Favorite animal: Dogs maybe…they’re loyal.
Favorite movie: I don’t know
Favorite singer: I don’t know either..!
Favorite day in the week: I don’t know..
Favorite time of the day: Early morning..when it’s very calm.
Favorite holiday season: All..
Favorite number: 3
Favorite food: Anything..I’m not very picky..I just can’t stand Bananas…And I don’t like chocolate and sweets in general
Favorite chocolate: I don’t like chocolate.
Favorite cartoon: I don’t know..but I like cartoons
Favorite blogger: I don’t know…they’re so many…
Favorite Flavor Ice Cream: Vanilla
Favorite Mobile Brand: I don’t know
Favorite name: Hmmm…I like Layal 🙂
Favorite hobby: I’m very moody when it comes to hobbies…But in general: Playing Guitar and Reading.
Favorite room in my house: Bedroom.
Favorite Fruit: I don’t know…I like all fruits..except for Bananas..
Favorite flower: I don’t know..
Favorite Quran Reciter: I don’t know
Favorite Ayah: I don’t know
Favorite Website: 😀 Okay I know this one, they’re not actually “websites” anymore:
Google and all of its products (I know it’s evil..but I’m addicted) Google Reader, GMail , Jaiku, Twitter, Flickr, Blogger, WordPress(I’m moving soon), and actually anything that has to do with online social networking, except for Facebook!! I never liked it!!

There’s also the websites I follow that covers every inch in Web Design/Development:
nettuts, psdtuts, Smashing Magasine, Web Designer Wall, Noupe….I can go forever…

Feel free to be tagged 🙂

Yalla…back to work!