The virtual and the real..

Yes I still insist on categorizing them as two completely different lives…and I’m going to keep it this way.

You see most of my “online/blog” friends are people I’ve never met..and I met the other few online/through the blog. My “real” friends are the people I know or met through these 23 years of my life. I chose the terms “real” and “virtual” simply because these are the terms used. But believe me…I have “virtual” friends who are to me..much more “real” friends.

Why I chose to separate both? Simply because I can’t handle merging them’s why..

My blogging experience started in 20062005 with a lousy MSN live “space” that included nothing but photos and stupid diaries. I did because it integrated well with the MSN live messenger (what was I thinking :S). It was just a way to stay connected with my friends in Egypt when I left there…it was like my FaceBook page back then..

Then I met the first blogger (gr33ndata)..and throuh his blog, I got introduced to the wonderful world of blogging.. By time, I began to write a bit more seriously..I remember the first post I was ever proud of (and still) ; it was a really pissed off post about “Sexual Harrassement” where I wrote about the first time I was harrassed..the incident that NO ONE knew about ..

At this point, I knew that through the blog, I can talk about stuff I can’t talk about in the “real” world…I deleted the MSN space..and moved to blogspot; Simply because people wouldn’t understand…It might sound a stupid reason, trust me it’s not.

You see, I’m a person who’s known as the “girl-who’s-always-lauging” (or La Vache Qui Rie :P), noone ever saw me crying (I make sure they don’t).  Where in my blog, I’m free, I can be sadangrydepressedhappygreatsillyin love…etc without worrying about silly comments or looks the other day. People here are honest (sometimes too much :D) and genuine.

It’s true that I keep a line between both worlds..but at the same time I don’t hide them..most of you guys know my real name (it’s Layal 🙂 ). I just don’t mention my blogging experience in “real” social gatherings. And most importantly, I don’t have my blog link in my FaceBook page, and I don’t have my FaceBook page link here…

The interesting thing is that I mentioned in a job interview that I own a blog(didn’t give the URL though)..and it somehow got me the job I have now 😉

I wrote this because I wanted to know if this is a common thing…or it’s just your blog a part of your “real” life?