By the way..

أبو عصام أو مهنّد *

أحترنا يا قرعة من وين بدنا نبوسك
السنة الماضية..أبو عصام كان حلم كل إمرأة
لأنه كان “رجل” له هيبته ووهرته
طلّق زوجته لأنها تجرأت و قالتله “فشر”

هالسنة…مهنّد صار حلم كل إمرأة
لأنه “رجل” رومانسي ومدلّع زوجته عالآخر
وكل ما تزعل منّه بيعمل المستحيل ليرضيها

ليه هيك؟؟
كتير حابّة الناس تتجمّع على شي له قيمة
بدل الحكي البلا طعمة هيدا

طبعاً مستحيل هيدا الشي يصير
فأنا رأيي يجي أبو عصام ومهنّد يحكموا عالوطن العربي
هيك يمكن بيصير عنّا وحدة وبتخلص الأزمات بالأمة الخرى هيدي

* في حال ماحدا بيعرف الأبطال هيدول..أبو عصام شخصية بالمسلسل السوري “باب الحارة” تم عرضه رمضان الماضي..ومهنّد شخصية بالمسلسل التركي المدبلج “نور” الذي يعرض الآن على محطة الأم بي سي 4…بإختصار, باب الحارة ونور حركوا الشعب العربي أكثر من أيّ قضية من قضايا ومصائب الوطن العربي التي لا تحصى

IE allergic to acid

Another attempt to make the IE user -hopefully not for long- switch to Firefox (version 3 is amazing!). So, let’s not talk about long lists of differences and features. We have a test, called the acid test..Click here to see what it should look like when it loads(the reference). And click here to test your browser.

Ofcourse, Firefox3 passes the test beautifully (download it from here). IE6 and IE7 totally fail…ofcourse!! The Microsoft developpers said that their baby IE8 passed the acid2 test but later..they said that it didn’t pass and they even wrote why… comment.

This may not seem a big deal to the users (it’s huge to web developpers). I mean it’s just a test after all and not the end of the world. But again, would you use a browser that messes up that cute smiley face the way IE does?? 😉 😛

I’ll never have this..

Last night, my parents were catching up with an old friend they knew before they even got married (23+ years). My father -as he waited for him to arrive- looked like a kid waiting to open his birthday gifts. He was literally following me around the house telling me stories of how good friends they were(and still) and that only distance (they both left Lebanon) prevented them from seeing each other all that time. I’m happy and excited about this small reunion between my parents and their friend…But I’m kind of sad and disappointed because I know that in 23+ years, I won’t experience such thing….
What’s happening to people?? or is it just me??


My boss sent almost the whole staff today an email with the subject “funny”. He wrote that he asked one of the interviewees he had to write a simple recursive function to calculate the factorial of an integer (n!) using any programming language he likes. And that person replied with “Can I use Assembly language?”. Boss said if that person can do it then he’s hired 🙂 🙂

What do you think?!

إكتشفت إنّو

إكتشفت إنو

On Being a Lebanese Female in Egypt- Part 4 (Thanaweyya 3amma)

Thanaweyya 3amma..the drama Egypt has to go through each year. I remember my two years. At that time, I had already decided to come back to Lebanon. And for those who don’t know, the higher education here doesn’t need a specific grade to be able to enroll in a specific university. Actually universities don’t even believe in the whole school thing..not even the government grades. They only want you to pass highschool, then they make you take some tests (related to the major you applied for), you pass?you’re in, you don’t? you’re out. Don’t think the educational system is better than Egypt. Corruption is the big boss here too, it’s just in another form.

Anyways, since all what I needed was a passing grade, I didn’t sign up for private tutoring like all of my friends, not even a single one! And the journey began as they say. The first day at school, the Chemistry teacher told us that we have a quiz in chapter 1 the next day!! She was explaining (sometimes not) based on the fact that we should know the material she’s talking about..well all of the class did actually..but me. The rest of the teachers were the same, except for the Maths Teacher, I loved that man (may he rest in peace) and the Arabic teacher wasn’t bad, it was me who sucked 😀 (I’m not a literature person).

Anyways, so I had these courses and their materials with noone to explain them to me really well. I had no option but to teach myself and that’s what I did. I bought these guides with problems and their solutions because the government books were useless! And I began to take the tutoring papers my friends took from the tutors and study them with the help of a really close friend, R I still owe you this one!

My parents didn’t care about what score I get. They say you study for your own sake, your score is for your own sake, you care about it. They didn’t even believe in the “test” thing (me neither). They believe that my life is the big test, that I make my own future not a few hours of writing on a piece of paper. This kind of support was the best to me. I studied to pass, I studied hard, but I was freaking out like some of my friends were.

This went on for two years,my final score turned out to be somewhere between 93% and 94% which as far as I remember made it possible to me to be an Engineer at the Cairo University. The result? I’m not an Engineer, and I didn’t graduate from Cairo University and I started hopefully a very successful career.

All what I want to deliver to you is that this torture can be avoided. I’m not an exception! I’m not a super hero! I did it and anyone can! The educational system is messed up I know but it can’t be fixed this way, this tutoring system is messed up even more!! It’s not a solution! I wanted to write this piece of diary for one reason: I felt horrible for those two students who committed suicide because of the “Thanaweyya 3amma”, and I feel even worse for their families. I hope their tragic death would make the other families change their look towards the whole subject. Don’t make a piece of paper determine your destiny!! You have a whole lifetime to do that!

أنا إنسانة عظيمة

I am so happy..
Everything changed from the bad to the very best..
I wanted to love…and I did..
I wanted to stay in Lebanon, and I found a job that it seems I’ll like here!!
I’m getting healthier and I’m even losing weight…those jeans are going to fit soon 😀
I even got a belly ring!!!!
I’m getting what I want now…
Actually what I want is coming to me..

It feels great!!! It really does!!
And if you want to feel the same…Work as hard as you can
And believe you’re a great person!!
I know I am 😀

أكتشفت إنّو

عيد المقاومة والتحرير

تنعاد عليكن كل سنة مع المقاومة بعيدها بالتحرير
وعقبال مزارع شبعا

خلّي إحتفال بكرة يكون درس لكل الدول اللي صارت هلّق مثل قلّتها


كانت كتير ممتعة الجلسة اليوم
بغض النظر عن الإرتياح إنو صار فيه رئيس
يافرحتنا…إنو مارح يصير لبنان بألف خير هيك فجأة..بس إنو هيدي بداية..

نبيه برّي متل العادة بيحسس الواحد إنو إستاذ بحضانة أطفال
3 نواب تحفّظوا على نفس الشي
أول رد كان قصير
تاني رد كان “نفس الجواب” القصير
ثالث رد ماكان موجود
إنو مينيموم (باللبناني)

بعدين الإنتخاب
118 صوت لسليمان
6 أصوات فاضية
و نسيب لحود أخد صوت واحد (مدري مين لي صوّت)
جان عبيد صوت واحد (كمان مدري مين)
ورفيق الحريري والشهداء صوت واحد مع تصفيق

بعد التصفيق بلشوا الخطابات
واللي بضحك كان كمية العهر والتفحيل (باللبناني كمان) لما يجي وقت الخطابات
قسم يمتنع عن التصفيق بس تجي سيرة شي
ويعوض هالإمتناع بس تجي سيرة شي تاني
مش قلتلكن حضانة؟

عسيرة التصفيق
أمير قطر كان البطل
وعمرو موسى ماحدا عبره
السعودي كمان..كان ضارب بوز مابيفهم

وأهم شي..التصفيق على طريقة الشعب اللبناني بعد إنتهاء الجلسة
ألا وهو….
أكيد بتعرفوا…
يعني بعد ماشفت طريقة أخرى للإبتهاج أو الإبتهال مثل مابيقولوا
عفواً للكلمة بس هيدا أقل شي ممكن ينقال
بابا ماشي بهالسيارة وإذ…
السيارة اللي حده أكلت رصاصة طايشة
الله يبسطكن يارب ويكبرعقلاتكن

I’m home!

خط السير:
شحيم-السعديات-أوتوستراد صيدا بيروت-الأوزاعي-دوار السفارة الكويتية- سليم سلام-الخندق الغميق-بشارة الخوري-البيت
أديه صارلها منطقة الأوزاعي ماعجقت؟؟ اليوم واقف السير كان هونيك

البيت أكلها رصاص كتير..بس الحمدالله مافي شي متضرر…بس الشبابيك والحيطان (الصور قريباً)..في فتحة برة عالبلكون وحدّها كان في بقايا قذيفة B7.
نظفنا البيت و أهلي عم يحكو مع الجيران…يمكن بيتنا متضرر أقل من باقي الجيران…أنا من أول ما إجو هيدول تعول مكتب المستقبل وأنا مش كرهتهم..قبل ماأعرف إنو هني مكتب للتيار..من لما كنت مفكرة إنو هني مكتب حراسة…مشاكل كل يوم, مع بعض, مع الدرك, مع شباب الحي..سواء مع التيار أو ضده..هيدا غيرالتلطيش كل يوم..وتسميع الحكي طبعاً

يلا منيح خلصت هيك..وماحدا صارله شي من الجيران ..وأهم شي نضف الطابق الأول من مكتب الحراسة المزعوم

التفاصيل والصور قريباً..لازم روح وكمل التنظيفات..

May 2008

It’s a pretty hot summer indeed in Lebanon… A strike that turned into a civil war… I’m scared..Yesterday when I heard the gunshots getting closer to my house I couldn’t stand up!! I couldn’t run!! and I couldn’t even move!!! I was and still scared!! For those who don’t know, I live in Ras ElNabe’-Bchara ElKhoury area…yes in the middle of the action!! In our building there’s a Security(?) office -I’m not sure if it’s still there as I write this- that is known to be a Future Party office… So you can imagine the horror we were living in for the past few months…

Believe me it’s more dangerous than the July-2006 war, this is much worse… MFL your professor is 100% right:

“Remember Class, remember my words very well… a civil war is three times more destructive than a normal war…the ones in the same borders shooting each other will show no mercy even to their own kin…” My History Professor, 1993

I have nothing to say, I just hope everyone is safe…please people stay safe…stay out of the windows/balconies, Snipers joined the game now… Nasrallah’s speech was harsh and Saad’s speech will be the same and it will get worse…Again, Stay safe people!! Me and my family managed to go to ElChouf this morning, Junblat rules the area so ofcourse nobody will do anything in this area… It’s where he sits and watch!!!

See people?? See where is your sectarianism and your false religous bullshit taking us?? Are you happy now?? I can’t believe I live in a country where a civil war breaks twice in the same generation!!! Well that’s what you get when you still follow your war lords!! When you let them rule your country!! Damn you all!!! I’m sure some of you are excited and getting their very same weapons they used couple of decades ago!!! I hope you retards kill each other…and I hope you all burn in hell!! Maybe we’ll get some peace then!!