It’s been a while..I don’t know why I never thought of quitting blogging. Sometimes I forget I have a blog but I never thought of deleting it.
The past 6 months were crazy. New job, new life, new people, new everything. Everything around me changed. I almost changed myself.
I worked hard to impress special people. I worked so hard that I almost lost my identity, I became a person who says sorry alot (can you believe that?). I was happy and sad because I was scared of losing this happiness, or that’s what I thought.

I ended up being a totally different person. And when you change your inner self, it doesn’t matter if you’re better or worse now. It’s just not you anymore, and it’s always bad! Because you’ll never be you.

I don’t make any sense, all I know is that I should stop whatever I’m doing and be the old stubborn, mean and rude me again. I might work on my attitude a bit to be a better “social” person but that’s it. I can’t handle losing the people I almost ruined myself for.

Oh, Happy New Year!