So today is the Blog Action Day for the year 2008. It’s about poverty this time. In my opinion it’s useless to talk about any kind of poverty in Lebanon except for one: “Brain Poverty”.

People in Lebanon are poor in their brains. And it is what causing every form of poverty to invade their lives. You see when a person lacks a brain, s/he’ll re-elect the same people who killed her/his family (you’ll see in the coming elections) couple of decades ago with guns. And these elected people will continue to kill her/his family by stripping her/him her/his minimum rights as a human being.

So in order to think about fighting poverty in Lebanon, give the Lebanese some brains, and they’ll be able to move on to think about having a decent life.

That’s all what I have to say.

I shouldn’t have used this campaign to say this but watch the Lebanese News and you’ll be frustrated as I am right now! They make me sick!