what you said makes sense…bass msh b eede…once it gets special..i start seeing only the bad characteristics..also i see minor small problems as huge and horrible obstacles that i can’t let go…i even start showing my bad sides too… i’m a mess i know lol
يابنت عادي بس بتعرفي كتير منيح انو ما حدا كامل لا نحنا ولا الطرف الاخر وبتعرفي منيح انو كل لحظة اشتعال حكما بيجي وراها بعد فترة انطفاء هي مفترض بتنطفي لحالها ومشكلتنا انو منجرب نطفيها هي وبعز توليعتها منقوم منحرق حالنا سلبا بعد شغلة مجرد انك اكتشفت هالشي وبتعرفي اديش بحب اكتشافاتك مهم الاكتشاف وعي بالاشياء مجرد نوعا على الاشيا منصير ننتبهلا ولما مننتبهلا بصير نتحكم فيها احسن هلق بما انك بالهريبة تلتين المراجل جربي احترقي ايجابا وشوفي شو بصير ما فيكي تقضي عمرك هربانة بالمناسبة يمكن عم قول هالحكي لحالي مش لالك بس ساقبت انت فتحتي الموضوع ما فينا نقهر مخاوفنا الا اذا واجهناها
this is very well put. not only because we have to risk it sometimes for a possible positive outcome, but also because it’s important to experience the negative in order to grow and learn.
رات اشتقتلك والله 😀 أنا بخاف كتير أصلاً كتنت هالشغلة من أول إكتشفاتي رح جرب إحترق وشوف شو بصير مع إنو الفكرة رعبتني هلق وعندي مشكلة بالثقة كمان…وهيدا الشي عم يزيد الخوف أكتر خير 🙂
أمل اللي عم يصير معي إنو لما إرتاح لشخص و تقوى شوي العلاقة بصير خاف وكذب شعوري وأكتر من مرة كان متاح كتير مش شوي كمان خفت بس إذا شكة إبرة بسيطة 😀
IBJ i’ve been experiencing nothing in my life but the negative 😀 so i guess yeah bezyade 😀 i’ll try to try 🙂
why do i always have the feeling that anonymous comments are by people i know?? meen?:D well maybe you’re right..actually you ARE right..i don’t like being weak at all!! but are all relationships about being weak?? walla sho? forget it..who’s this? 😀
then why do people seem happy about being in love and with someone if the thing requires “not-so-good relinquishment” that they won’t gladly accept? and yes it matters 😀
Perhaps they have nothing to lose, this is the relationships nowadays .. but why don’t you think about it differently …you’r not wrong that you don’t wanna be in a relationship … why don’t u get in a relation wihthout losing anything .. u can persist on what you have
in this society?? and is there someone who’s willing to go through this with me?????? i doubt! i’m full of wrong traits or “flaws” eza sa77a alkawl! nobody would do this for me and it’s part of the problem…i’m afraid of being dumped too 😀
and come on!! who’s this? give me a nickname tayyeb…anything to call you with 😀 instead of dear anonymous 🙂
i won’t 🙂 … you have to know that you will meet lots of people who may have a small or great role in your life and suddenly vanish … it doesn’t matter who are them, but what matters what u gained from them until u get the right one ;wherever he is ; don’t wait for him … he’s coming anyway … End Of Conversation 🙂
i won’t tremble 😉 …. there’s a millions of ppl are showing your profile .So, probability of uncertainty will surely increase … and i haven’t vanished yet 😀
okay there’s me in leb, shogo in UAE (i thought you’re him) and somebody in Egypt (you..nyahahaha) viewing the blog now! or that’s what the counter report is telling me!
and if you’re really in egypt i’m sure i don’t know you in person…because all of the people i knew when i lived there ( i don’t know if you know that) don’t even know that i blog aslan! and even if they knew…nobody ever cared to check it
i stopped everything with everybody…ended many relationships…not only relationships between couples..everything! kamen i was afraid…that fear from not being remembered made me end everything before it happens..
tayyeb…as you wish…the blog is yours and feel free to comment whenever you want 😀 i won’t nag aktar 😀 although i would really like who you are 😀 mail me or something lol
i was like protecting myself i guess…and i didn’t get this idea from nothing…it’s a long story.. the point is i get very emotional in any situation…i get depressed very easily…so to avoid this…i end everything! same with the “iktishaf” of this post…i end the relation it before it starts!
so you hurt before they hurt you .. u’ve noticed that many people has forgotten you .. but you haven’t noticed that there’s so many people has never thought about forgetting you
Take a moment to think about who’s is innocence and who’s guilty ……………………….
No one is perfect, if u know ur flaws then start fixing them, always try to become a better person, and if ur aware of ur flaws and ur already trying, then they’ll know that ur at least trying to fix urself…and besides, there are different kinds of flaws, flaws that are known to every1 to be wrong (those should be fixed, cuz its more like being a bad person like being a liar for ex :P) and flaws that some people might not like and push them away and some might accept or actually like them, for ex some people might not like some1 being sensitive and some might think it’s a sweet thing, that’s one example 😛 so if that person really likes u =D he’ll like everything in u and accept u, and if ur close enough, he’ll know the reasons behind ur flaws and understand u more, and if they’re really bad, he’ll help u fix them, or u’ll find a solution together…being in a relationship means 2 people who complete each other, and support each other all the way…and I know what u mean the feeling of being weak, that u don’t like feeling weak, cuz im the same…and I do push people away the closer they get to me…that feeling of being weak, is actually because some1 is starting to understand and see through u…the real u, and because their starting to enter ur world…its up to u to let that person in or not…but always running away from that is also being weak ? =D so give it a shot…give him a chance…it wont be the end of the world if u do hehe don’t complicate it and make it such an impossible thing on urself cuz its not…u have to like urself in order for people to like u =) u don’t have to give him ur trust from the very start, u don’t have to…don’t rush, its not a race hehe take ur time to trust and understand each other and get closer, if u don’t get closer then how can u know if u can give him ur trust or not ? well its up to u, cuz u said u have a problem with trusting people…trust isn’t given, trust is earned…and if they want ur trust they should earn it, that’s why people u trust are special people =D I’ve known a friend for 14 years or so, and we became bestfriends, and I never gave her all my trust until 5 years ago only =) and u cant believe how good it feels having some1 to trust and lean on…u gotta grow deep roots, lol every1s in a rush nowadays in relationships and friendships..and then they suffer the bad side of it…if u want a deep and strong relationship then it needs time…dont expect everything from the start, and it seems to me that ur rushing everything b4 it even started hehe give them time to know u, don’t be afraid, u’ll never learn if u don’t try right ? and give urself also time to know them, then u can decide to let them in or not…its all up to u actually When u fall in love…u’ll know what the word sacrifice means =D or the thing that u called (relationships that require relinquishments that u wont accept) but sacrifice is something u’ll want to do…for the sake of the other person…and if u don’t wanna accept that then ur selfish 😛 and don’t worry lol not like u’ll have to sacrifice ur life or something, well that comes later actually hehe in deeper relationships, yea ur probably thinking that’s only in movies…but u’ll know 😛 once u get there, what it means not to mind giving ur life for that other person its not about having something to loose or not, and ur relationship doesn’t have to be like every1 elses, but anyway that’s not the point…being in a relationship isn’t about losing things or not, its about what u want to give up or sacrifice for the other, if u don’t want to then u don’t have to…simple =D and it depends on u both..whether ur partner would understand and accept that u dowanna sacrifice a certain thing or not, and if he doesn’t, its either u work it out and find another solution…theres always a solution, whether it’s a good one or bad one, and its ur always ur choice, even tho u might think that u have to make a certain choice and its not up to u, but its not that u don’t have a choice, its that ur afraid of consequences u don’t want to happen if u make the other choice…anyways 😛 u get my point And why do u keep thinking they’ll just keep looking at ur flaws ?? if they really care about u, they’ll help u become a better person and help u through ur mess =D If people knew what’s in ur heart…they would’ve treated u differently…that’s why people get closer to each other =) to understand each other more and know what’s in their heart, so they’d treat u better =D…cuz u never know what’s in peoples hearts wtv is gonna happen in that relationship depends on both of u, not only u, both ur different personalities, and how they go together, how much u understand each other etc etc don’t start judging him b4 u even start Tell them u love them b4 its too late…or u’ll regret it, even if it doesn’t work out, its worth it that they knew at least how u felt anyway…don’t live ur life wondering “what if? and what could’ve been?”
that is just….i don’t what to say..everything? 😀 well thanks i guess..i’ll give it a try..although if something went wrong..yeah it will be the end of the world to me:P
طيب ليه ماتخافي و تأربي اكتر؟
وانا كمان
ازا حسيت بوجع بصدري بهرب
وازا حبني بنفر
وازا ماحبني
i exactly feel the same, and always wonder.. will that feeling ever ends?
صعبة كتير
أصلاً ما بحس على حالي لمّا ببعد
بعدين بنتبه
نفس الإحساس
وكل ما أبعد بيزيد الوجع
وبس ينسى بندم
dear blue, i really don’t know…all i know is that it hurts like hell!
it’s the beautiful part of love and human relationships — the hurt amplifies the beauty, not just through contrast, but through addiction.
instead of running from love, embrace its hurt and beauty.
what you said makes sense…bass msh b eede…once it gets special..i start seeing only the bad characteristics..also i see minor small problems as huge and horrible obstacles that i can’t let go…i even start showing my bad sides too…
i’m a mess i know
بتعرفي كتير منيح انو ما حدا كامل لا نحنا ولا الطرف الاخر
وبتعرفي منيح انو كل لحظة اشتعال حكما بيجي وراها بعد فترة انطفاء
هي مفترض بتنطفي لحالها ومشكلتنا انو منجرب نطفيها هي وبعز توليعتها منقوم منحرق حالنا سلبا
بعد شغلة
مجرد انك اكتشفت هالشي وبتعرفي اديش بحب اكتشافاتك
مهم الاكتشاف وعي بالاشياء
مجرد نوعا على الاشيا منصير ننتبهلا
ولما مننتبهلا بصير نتحكم فيها احسن
هلق بما انك بالهريبة تلتين المراجل
جربي احترقي ايجابا وشوفي شو بصير
ما فيكي تقضي عمرك هربانة
يمكن عم قول هالحكي لحالي مش لالك بس ساقبت انت فتحتي الموضوع
ما فينا نقهر مخاوفنا الا اذا واجهناها
ما في بيخوف
متل شكة الابرة
لا فعليا ما رح تتقربي من حدا الا لما يصير متاح انه تتقربي من حدا بغض النظر عن طبيعة العلاقة
لما قوى الطبيعة تتحد و يصير بمقدروك تتعرفي عالناس اكتر كله بيزبط
حاسة حالي باولو كويلو ع شوي.. بيكفي فلسفة
as Rat said:
جربي احترقي
this is very well put.
not only because we have to risk it sometimes for a possible positive outcome, but also because it’s important to experience the negative in order to grow and learn.
اشتقتلك والله
أنا بخاف كتير أصلاً
كتنت هالشغلة من أول إكتشفاتي
رح جرب إحترق وشوف شو بصير مع إنو الفكرة رعبتني هلق
وعندي مشكلة بالثقة كمان…وهيدا الشي عم يزيد الخوف أكتر
اللي عم يصير معي إنو لما إرتاح لشخص و تقوى شوي العلاقة بصير خاف وكذب شعوري
وأكتر من مرة كان متاح كتير مش شوي
كمان خفت
بس إذا شكة إبرة بسيطة
i’ve been experiencing nothing in my life but the negative 😀 so i guess yeah bezyade 😀 i’ll try to try 🙂
the answer is in the previous Post…. you don’t like being weak, and you have the sensation that u’ll be weak , i think that’s it
why do i always have the feeling that anonymous comments are by people i know??
well maybe you’re right..actually you ARE right..i don’t like being weak at all!! but are all relationships about being weak?? walla sho?
forget it..who’s this? 😀
it doesn’t matter who am i 🙂 … relationships require to relinquish some of the things in your life, and you won’t gladly accept that … bubyee 🙂
then why do people seem happy about being in love and with someone if the thing requires “not-so-good relinquishment” that they won’t gladly accept?
and yes it matters 😀
me too.
Perhaps they have nothing to lose, this is the relationships nowadays .. but why don’t you think about it differently …you’r not wrong that you don’t wanna be in a relationship … why don’t u get in a relation wihthout losing anything .. u can persist on what you have
in this society?? and is there someone who’s willing to go through this with me?????? i doubt!
i’m full of wrong traits or “flaws” eza sa77a alkawl! nobody would do this for me and it’s part of the problem…i’m afraid of being dumped too 😀
and come on!! who’s this? give me a nickname tayyeb…anything to call you with 😀 instead of dear anonymous 🙂
i won’t 🙂 … you have to know that you will meet lots of people who may have a small or great role in your life and suddenly vanish … it doesn’t matter who are them, but what matters what u gained from them
until u get the right one ;wherever he is ;
don’t wait for him … he’s coming anyway …
End Of Conversation 🙂
well you’re now dear mean anonymous that’s for sure!!! 😛
he’s coming??? i doubt it! aw 3a mahel la yeji!
and usually people hurt me and then vanish…so no you’re the first to something good and vanish..no?
and i know you!!! i’m 100% sure i know you 🙂
i won’t tremble 😉 …. there’s a millions of ppl are showing your profile .So, probability of uncertainty will surely increase … and i haven’t vanished yet 😀
i didn’t get this
” so no you’re the first to something good and vanish..no? “
stupid me
it’s ” so now* you’re the first to do* something good and vanish, no?”
sho millions hayde?! msh ktar hal2add….and yeah don’t vanish! 😀
okay there’s me in leb, shogo in UAE (i thought you’re him) and somebody in Egypt (you..nyahahaha) viewing the blog now! or that’s what the counter report is telling me!
and if you’re really in egypt i’m sure i don’t know you in person…because all of the people i knew when i lived there ( i don’t know if you know that) don’t even know that i blog aslan! and even if they knew…nobody ever cared to check it
i stopped everything with everybody…ended many relationships…not only relationships between couples..everything! kamen i was afraid…that fear from not being remembered made me end everything before it happens..
😀 … nice try … well,
* in lebanon reached 4 million
* in egypt reached 80 million … * in UAE reached 3.5 million
am i from Lebanon, Egypt or UAE oh, It’s Puzzeling 😀
check your counter again 😉
u can also get my IP address … but i’m careful about my Ports
tayyeb…as you wish…the blog is yours and feel free to comment whenever you want 😀 i won’t nag aktar 😀
although i would really like who you are 😀 mail me or something lol
that’s strange … u fated it before it happens … why ?
you expected things that didn’t happen because you’r just afraid of being forgotten … That’s really irrational
i was like protecting myself i guess…and i didn’t get this idea from nothing…it’s a long story..
the point is i get very emotional in any situation…i get depressed very easily…so to avoid this…i end everything! same with the “iktishaf” of this post…i end the relation it before it starts!
and here’s another discovery…
so you hurt before they hurt you ..
u’ve noticed that many people has forgotten you .. but you haven’t noticed that there’s so many people has never thought about forgetting you
Take a moment to think about who’s is innocence and who’s guilty
well yeah you’re right…
a while ago i started calling some people i care about..it was nice…
and i’m spending my whole time doing nothing but thinking about who’s good and who’s bad…and i always get them wrong!
by the way, was it you there? 🙂 i had an anonymous comment too in the link i gave you…it’s you right?
no it’s not me
and you finally got the point … there’s some people who has been got wrong by you, that means :
– you thought they’re good when they’re bad.
– you thought they’re bad when they’re good.
but you knew the bad, but you didn’t know the good because you forgot them before knowing
i know i’m a mess :$
you can start again … it’s not as hard as you think but only if you really want to 🙂
and hey, you’re potentially a nice person
bye ..
btw, Download this
” Westlife – Try Again ” if u donnow it 😀
yeah sure, why not? 🙂 i’ll try to keep you updated 😀
hehehehe and thanks alot 😀
…now who are you? 😛
call me Mr. Anonymous
okay Mr. 😀
No one is perfect, if u know ur flaws then start fixing them, always try to become a better person, and if ur aware of ur flaws and ur already trying, then they’ll know that ur at least trying to fix urself…and besides, there are different kinds of flaws, flaws that are known to every1 to be wrong (those should be fixed, cuz its more like being a bad person like being a liar for ex :P) and flaws that some people might not like and push them away and some might accept or actually like them, for ex some people might not like some1 being sensitive and some might think it’s a sweet thing, that’s one example 😛 so if that person really likes u =D he’ll like everything in u and accept u, and if ur close enough, he’ll know the reasons behind ur flaws and understand u more, and if they’re really bad, he’ll help u fix them, or u’ll find a solution together…being in a relationship means 2 people who complete each other, and support each other all the way…and I know what u mean the feeling of being weak, that u don’t like feeling weak, cuz im the same…and I do push people away the closer they get to me…that feeling of being weak, is actually because some1 is starting to understand and see through u…the real u, and because their starting to enter ur world…its up to u to let that person in or not…but always running away from that is also being weak ? =D so give it a shot…give him a chance…it wont be the end of the world if u do hehe don’t complicate it and make it such an impossible thing on urself cuz its not…u have to like urself in order for people to like u =) u don’t have to give him ur trust from the very start, u don’t have to…don’t rush, its not a race hehe take ur time to trust and understand each other and get closer, if u don’t get closer then how can u know if u can give him ur trust or not ? well its up to u, cuz u said u have a problem with trusting people…trust isn’t given, trust is earned…and if they want ur trust they should earn it, that’s why people u trust are special people =D I’ve known a friend for 14 years or so, and we became bestfriends, and I never gave her all my trust until 5 years ago only =) and u cant believe how good it feels having some1 to trust and lean on…u gotta grow deep roots, lol every1s in a rush nowadays in relationships and friendships..and then they suffer the bad side of it…if u want a deep and strong relationship then it needs time…dont expect everything from the start, and it seems to me that ur rushing everything b4 it even started hehe give them time to know u, don’t be afraid, u’ll never learn if u don’t try right ? and give urself also time to know them, then u can decide to let them in or not…its all up to u actually
When u fall in love…u’ll know what the word sacrifice means =D or the thing that u called (relationships that require relinquishments that u wont accept) but sacrifice is something u’ll want to do…for the sake of the other person…and if u don’t wanna accept that then ur selfish 😛 and don’t worry lol not like u’ll have to sacrifice ur life or something, well that comes later actually hehe in deeper relationships, yea ur probably thinking that’s only in movies…but u’ll know 😛 once u get there, what it means not to mind giving ur life for that other person
its not about having something to loose or not, and ur relationship doesn’t have to be like every1 elses, but anyway that’s not the point…being in a relationship isn’t about losing things or not, its about what u want to give up or sacrifice for the other, if u don’t want to then u don’t have to…simple =D and it depends on u both..whether ur partner would understand and accept that u dowanna sacrifice a certain thing or not, and if he doesn’t, its either u work it out and find another solution…theres always a solution, whether it’s a good one or bad one, and its ur always ur choice, even tho u might think that u have to make a certain choice and its not up to u, but its not that u don’t have a choice, its that ur afraid of consequences u don’t want to happen if u make the other choice…anyways 😛 u get my point
And why do u keep thinking they’ll just keep looking at ur flaws ?? if they really care about u, they’ll help u become a better person and help u through ur mess =D
If people knew what’s in ur heart…they would’ve treated u differently…that’s why people get closer to each other =) to understand each other more and know what’s in their heart, so they’d treat u better =D…cuz u never know what’s in peoples hearts
wtv is gonna happen in that relationship depends on both of u, not only u, both ur different personalities, and how they go together, how much u understand each other etc etc don’t start judging him b4 u even start
Tell them u love them b4 its too late…or u’ll regret it, even if it doesn’t work out, its worth it that they knew at least how u felt anyway…don’t live ur life wondering “what if? and what could’ve been?”
that is just….i don’t what to say..everything? 😀
well thanks i guess..i’ll give it a try..although if something went wrong..yeah it will be the end of the world to me:P