ﻷ بس ممكن
وممكن ﻷ
وممكن إيه
وممكن ﻷ
وممكن إيه
وممكن ﻷ
وممكن إيه
طب خود
I was 5 years old when we moved to Egypt, so growing up there didn’t seem a problem to me..I didn’t know other place to compare with. Ofcourse going to Lebanon in the summer was the time to wait for the whole year but still. I used to speak Egyptian there, in fact nobody would know I’m Lebanese unless somebody tells them, my Egyptian accent was(and still is) flawless!
So, I didn’t experience any kind of problems! it was very normal and it felt like home..At school, I made great friends, we were a family, you know hanging out with the same friends everyday for several years, the bond becomes stronger than the family blood because you get to choose your friends! I used to love the first day at school just to meet the new people! I’ve always loved company and I never had a problem to blend in ANY kind of groups.
Anyways, years passed by and I’m in an Arabic period in Grade 6. I don’t remember what the teacher was talking about but I remember him saying “And Ofcourse, We all know that Lebanon is being occupied now by Israel…”. I wasn’t shocked by what he said, I was shocked by the whole class’s reaction! It was nothing but a big “BOOOOOOO” accompanied by fingers pointed at me! I can’t describe how it felt! But it was so weird and shocking that I didn’t do anything but smiling! In the very same day, during the recess, I remember bursting into tears on my best friend’s shoulder!
I didn’t cry because of the occupation thing, I didn’t cry because the teacher said that the whole Lebanese soil was occupied and that he was wrong, I did because it was the first time I felt like a stranger, a minority or an intruder! It might sound silly to some (or many) of you but it really hurt!! And I kind of understood what it’s like to love your country and be proud of it!! They loved their country and BOOed and I loved mine and cried!! It was my first time as well to use the terms (in my head) them and me !! I went home that day, didn’t talk about it with anyone, not even my friends the next day!! Actually this is the first time I mention this!!
…to be continued!!
PS: I still consider most of them my friends!! great friends actually!!
I’ve been wanting to talk about that since forever!! I have so much to talk about and I don’t know where to start…This post is only to encourage me to organize what I’d like to say and post 2 or 3 (maybe more) posts soon..
It’s a very important phase of my life and it helped in making who I am now..whether I enjoyed it or not!!
The situation here is a mess, but our online community was free until now!!
I hate Facebook, and definitely the comments were stupid and unnecessary.
But I will never accept any kind of censorship against our online community!!
If these students weren’t released soon, Lebanon, prepare yourself for MANY Lebanese sites like freekareem.org and freefouad.com (and many others) to join your online community!!
And I’m not planning to learn either!!! I hate the kitchen and I only like the food!!! Food is yummy..making the food isn’t!!
I can’t understand why people find it hard to accept hearing this from a 21(almost 22) years old female! Is it that bad?!?! I can fry,boil and grill stuff…I can prepare a delicious pasta too(yes delicious!!) and that’s it! Ohh, I can add soy sauce to any food I eat!!! It’s enough for me to survive, no??
People are always like “When you get married…how will you feed your family??”…Is there some kind of a rule that says I’m the one who has to do it??? My parents both cook!! And nobody cooks on weekends in this house!! Is there a problem with that?!?!
The problem exists in the sexists’ minds…Males can’t stand just imagining themselves making the food they swallow. Although they’re the ones who should do this.
Let’s think about it, Females in our society have some kind of self-acceptance issues, they ALWAYS want to lose weight, so they eat very few portions of what they believe is food; That’s another problem and it needs another post(s). Anyways, males are like hoovers, they eat VERY LARGE portions of food; Even if they’re working on their image, they need to eat to be able to go to the gym and pump their muscles with I don’t know what to look like Jhony Bravo. The ones who are not into this pumping process are proud of their belly (كرش الوجاهة).
Now, men eat more than women so why women are ALWAYS expected to cook?? And why it’s not acceptable for men to cook??
How do you guys eat??!?! Who cooks?!
I was adding some banners to add to my blog and I wanted a banner for a campaign against Female Genital Mutilation or Female Circumcision, and I came across Amnesty.org’s ads. I liked them alot for showing a Female Genital Mutilation without showing a Female Genital Mutilation. They used the flower the delicate, beautiful and precious or whatever the flower is to you to show you how bad and painful to do this to it.
Okay using the flowers to symbolize a vagina is not a new idea (Georgia O Keefe’s work is enough) and a bit cliche-ish but here it’s perfect for the message to be delivered! I added the ads to my sidebar!!! They’re amazing!!!
هيدي السنة
اللي من عمري أتخرجوا أو رح يتخرجوا قريباً
فالخطوة التانية هي التفتيش على بيت العدل
يعني يلاقوا بعل أجلّكن
مرحبا شغل مرحبا بلّوط
بدهن يكونوا ستات بيوت درجة أولى كرمال الولاد
اي شو لكن؟؟
بعد المصيبة مش هون
99% من اللي بعرفهن
خطبوا أو تزوجوا إبن العم(ة) أو الخال(ة) أو قرابة أبعد شوي
على علمي البنت عايشة قصة حب مع واحد ومش شابفة قدامها غيره
بيوصلني خبر أو عزيمة على شي تاني بالمرة
ومش مرة أو مرتين
معظمهن إذا مش كلن
*لحظة لعد*
في وحدة بس خطبت رفيقها بالجامعة
أنا مش ضد زواج الأقارب…هني أحرار بالنهاية
وبس مش معه كمان
في مشاكل الوراثة
مثلاً ماما وبابا ولاد خالات وليكو كيف طلعت أنا
أنا اللي ماعم يركب براسي كيف واحدة تتزوج واحد بتعرفه من هني و زغار
يعني متل الأخوة
كيف بدن يناموا مع بعض؟؟؟
يعني مبارح بتسحسح لإبن عمها وتاني يوم يلعبو أحيه؟؟؟
ولا مش ضروري يكون في متعة؟؟
زواج الأقارب خالي من الإنبساط
مجرد تزاوج لحفظ السليلة
ممكن إتفهم إذا الطرفين مابيعرفو بعض من قبل
حدا مسافر أو عرفوا بعض على كبر وحبوا بعض
قلت يمكن البنت خافت على مستقبلها وماتلاقي بعل منيح
بس البنات كلن غير شكل
ترباية وعلم و حسب ونسب متل مابيقولوا
يعني مافي خوف
وكمان شغلة
هيدا كلّه بإرادة البنات
وكلن قادرين يرفضوا العريس…
مش إنو بالقوة!!!!
طب ليه؟؟؟
هل أنا بس اللي عم فكّر بالحياة الجنسية بين العالم وحالتي تعبت
أو هني عندن خلل أو شي مدري كيف
ملاحظة: البنات اللي حكيت عنها من مصر ولبنان
إذا ﻷ
الله لا يرّدها ولا يعيدها هالسنة ولا أيّامها
أستمتعوا بالتبويس ع أبو جنب هالفترة
Friend1: (joking) Your brother’s car is very nice…I’ll buy it from him :D:P
Friend2: Can you even afford its wheels???