Leh Ba2a?!

Why is it okay in our society for a homosexual or bisexual person to talk about his/her sexuality in public even though many people reject the idea??
People actually look forward to hear their story and know more about it!!
They even got the attention of many TV shows!
(again regardless they agree with the concept or not)

And why it’s not okay for a heterosexual person to talk about his/her sexuality???
Isn’t it what people here want?
To be straight?

Do I have to be a lesbian to be able to feel proud of my sexuality???

Sometimes I wonder what kind of f***ed up societies we live in!


I don’t have a favorite color
I don’t have a favorite song
I don’t have a favorite movie
I don’t have a favorite band
I don’t have a favorite artist or celebrity
(Paco de Lucia is great though)
I don’t have a favorite place
I don’t have a favorite restaurant
I don’t have a favorite music
I don’t have a favorite food
I don’t have a favorite drink
I don’t have a favorite anything

I might choose some stuff I like among others if someone asks me
and I might like some stuff more than others
but I know they’re not the all time favorites
it varies according to the mood!

I don’t have a favorite book
I don’t have a favorite quote
I don’t have a favorite sport


مسطحة ورايي على التخت
هلق شفتها فايقة
شاردة بالسقف
شافت الويل منه
الله لايسامحه
عاشت معه ومع بخله كرمال ولادها
مش ولاده
ولاده رصيده بالبنك ماما بتقول

سامعتها عم تتنهد
وبتذكره كيف يعيط
ويمنن ولاده بالأكل
لولا ولادها
مابعرف إذا كانت عايشة اليوم
مش مبالغة هيدي

تحملت قرفه
وكيف يقلها ياجاهلة
يا أمية
وهو مش أكتر من حمار
متعلم جاهل مابيفهم

من كذا يوم
بعيد الأب
مفروض بعيده
علقت فيه
اللي ماكان حدا يقلّه لأ
قالتله مليون لأ

اللي كان يربِّح ولاده جْميلة
ربَّحتة 100 ألف جْميلة
ضهر من البيت
مش هي متل ماكان يصير

بعدها شاردة
ماما بتقلي ناوية على شي
مش عارفة شو
بس ناويتله

أنا معها
لأنه هي أحسن مثال للمرأة المتضهدة
اللي سكتت كل عمرها
كرمال ولادها
وتعذبت كل عمرها
بسبب الرجل
لأ مش رجل هو
مش إنسان حتى

Love yourself as you are!

So here comes the summer, despite the horrible events that are still going here in Lebanon and the Arab world ofcourse, many people insist on living in denial. The number one thing on their minds is how to enjoy the summer and the i-will-enjoy-my-summer-in-lebanon-no-matter-what crap. So the “ladies” (and men ofcourse) look at the summer as the bathing suit season; and all what I’m getting these days is “you need to lose some weight because summer is coming”!!!! Which is a very stupid and humiliating reason to me!

So what you are over your ideal weight by few kilograms?! and I’m talking about the HEALTHY ideal weight, not the one set by the society because it’s ridiculous.

What about your personality? What about your value as a woman?! What about your career?! What about your education? What about what you do to your society, to your people, to anyone?

This weird love of women towards losing weight is causing them nothing more than serious eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia; not to mention ofcourse the degrading of their identity and value as a female!

Anorexia is in short starving yourself, anorexics literally stop eating because they’re afraid of getting fat. And no matter how skinny they get, they will always see themselves overweight which makes them starve themselves more.
Consequences (taken from the link): shrunken bones, mineral loss, low body temperature, irregular heartbeat, permanent failure of normal growth, development of osteoporosis and bulimia nervosa.

Bulimia is eating a big amount of food then getting rid of it either by throwing it up or using excessive amounts of laxatives (starving yourself while enjoying the taste of food).
Consequences (taken from the link): Erosion of tooth enamel because of repeated exposure to acidic gastric contents, Dental cavities, sensitivity to hot or cold food, Swelling and soreness in the salivary glands (from repeated vomiting), Stomach Ulcers, Ruptures of the stomach and esophagus. Abnormal buildup of fluid in the intestines, Disruption in the normal bowel release function, Electrolyte imbalance. Dehydration, Irregular heartbeat and in severe cases heart attack, A greater risk for suicidal behavior, Decrease in libido ( we don’t want this one ladies).

Why did I mention these two eating disorders?! because there are many girls who are either anorexics or bulimics and they don’t know it! They even get support from their families and society. It’s becoming very serious and if it might eventually lead to their death!

People should consider losing weight for health reasons, not for having good looking asses! They should not become skinny also for health reasons. And ladies, if you still want to get skinny for the sake of men, please leave some flesh for the men to grab on will you?

My ass has a goal, but it was never for the bathing suit season and it will never be!

Check this AMAZING feminist act. I just loved it!


powered by ODEO

Received from Checkpoint 303:

Dear Checkpoint 303 friends,

After our recent shows in France, Sweden and Belgium, we are pleased to announce a series of live sets in Palestine starting this week, as part of the «Fête de la Musique » festival organized by the French cultural center network and the Al Kamandjati Association.

Checkpoint 303 shows:

Thursday 21.06 @ 9 pm Café Zan, RAMALLAH (yes, that’s today !)
Saturday 23.06 @ 5 pm Beit Hanina College, East JERUSALEM
Sunday 24.06 @ 6 pm Annajah University Theater, NABLUS
Monday 25.06 @ 7 pm The Spanish Garden, JERICHO

(Unfortunately, the concert in Gaza city has been cancelled due to last week’s sad events)

More info about the «Fête de la musique » event can be found here (french):
In addition to these dates in Jerusalem and the West Bank Checkpoint 303 will also be performing in Nazareth on Friday 22.06 at Mary’s well square starting at 7 pm.

More info about the Nazareth and Haifa program here (french):

Spread the word !

New tunes (including the track « Gaza Calling ») will be added to our website and new concert dates will soon be announced. So stay tuned.

You can also find us on myspace at: http://www.myspace.com/checkpoint303

Greetings from beautiful Jerusalem.

Checkpoint 303

khedlak ba2a

my graduation ceremony rehearsal is in 3-7-2007
why do we have to wear white?!

i need to go shopping for white stuff
i hate shopping

white shows alot! (it makes me look bigger..w ana msh na2sa)
“alot” isn’t pretty to see

i hate them

selfish people
(some of my classmates)

people who care about themselves and their precious time
(they want to start the new course this week)

even if what they’re rushing could hurt others
(3 guys can’t pay for it this week, they’ll have to miss it)

they even won’t lose anything if they delayed their “plans” a bit
(only 12 days)


i hate them
(very much)

اكتشفت إنّو


I can’t understand where this excitement to know people comes from! I mean EVERYONE I know is talking about facebook.

“w 3asho?”

I remember me trying hi5..but then I deleted my account after a while. I received many invitations to try other social-related websites (I can only remember zorpia now) but all of them were gladly rejected. Until I discovered facebook, I saw it on hilal’s blog actually and I was like: “sho sarlo hayda? sho facebook me?!” and I clicked.

I liked how it was organized, so I signed up and ofcourse didn’t send any invitations to anyone -i hate this-. It was nice, the feeds, the notes, the groups, and ofcourse the events (the best). The status is nice but I already use twitter.

Now what really annoys me is the GROUPS. There are 4 kinds of groups I hate and they are everywhere:

1- “if this group reaches ….I will….”. That is just stupid!!!!! and what pisses me off is that there are groups of this kind that promise things like decreasing the mobile bill costs in Lebanon. eh natreen el facebook la yreddo 3alaykon..w akleh!!!

2- “for each __ member, I will donate $__ to ___”. If you really care about the cause, why don’t you go donate yourself?? May I add that usually the value is no more than $5??

3- “how many___on facebook, let’s find out”. Okay, then what?!

4- And ofcourse there are the racist groups which are simply the most disgusting and shows how sick people are in their minds!!!!! check this if you want.

Actually there are more than 4 but these are the really really really annoying groups!

I’ll leave you with a recent conversation I had with a friend on windows live messenger (aka msn):
-nightS, check my profile picture
-man it didn’t load yet!
-not here you silly, on facebook…god you’re so old!

conversation and pigs

I was drawing some pigs (don’t ask) in Costa-Hamra yesterday. There were these two at a table next to me, one is lebanese (smallah 3la shababo) and the other is american i think.

lebanese (3amel 7alo 2ossa kbeere): yeah sure….(..) during the war last year (…), syria (…)…….
american (asking about the area): What was it like in….(…)?
lebanese (very uhhhhhs included): north (…) south…

Apparently (according to my amazing intelligence), our lebanese guy thinks he’s a guide or something w akho ekhta!

american: in the past, there was something between egypt and syria?
lebanese (wa nazrat al balah ertasamat 3la wajhehe): huh?
american: not now, there was like some kind of agreement or deal??
lebanese: huh?? oh no no no such thing

Here, I stopped listening (in other words, 3assabit), and I continued drawing the pig (don’t ask).

If you want, draw your own pig!
Mine is on the left, the pig on the right is Monah’s!