So here comes the summer, despite the horrible events that are still going here in Lebanon and the Arab world ofcourse, many people insist on living in denial. The number one thing on their minds is how to enjoy the summer and the i-will-enjoy-my-summer-in-lebanon-no-matter-what crap. So the “ladies” (and men ofcourse) look at the summer as the bathing suit season; and all what I’m getting these days is “you need to lose some weight because summer is coming”!!!! Which is a very stupid and humiliating reason to me!
So what you are over your ideal weight by few kilograms?! and I’m talking about the HEALTHY ideal weight, not the one set by the society because it’s ridiculous.
What about your personality? What about your value as a woman?! What about your career?! What about your education? What about what you do to your society, to your people, to anyone?
This weird love of women towards losing weight is causing them nothing more than serious eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia; not to mention ofcourse the degrading of their identity and value as a female!
Anorexia is in short starving yourself, anorexics literally stop eating because they’re afraid of getting fat. And no matter how skinny they get, they will always see themselves overweight which makes them starve themselves more.
Consequences (taken from the link): shrunken bones, mineral loss, low body temperature, irregular heartbeat, permanent failure of normal growth, development of osteoporosis and bulimia nervosa.
Bulimia is eating a big amount of food then getting rid of it either by throwing it up or using excessive amounts of laxatives (starving yourself while enjoying the taste of food).
Consequences (taken from the link): Erosion of tooth enamel because of repeated exposure to acidic gastric contents, Dental cavities, sensitivity to hot or cold food, Swelling and soreness in the salivary glands (from repeated vomiting), Stomach Ulcers, Ruptures of the stomach and esophagus. Abnormal buildup of fluid in the intestines, Disruption in the normal bowel release function, Electrolyte imbalance. Dehydration, Irregular heartbeat and in severe cases heart attack, A greater risk for suicidal behavior, Decrease in libido ( we don’t want this one ladies).
Why did I mention these two eating disorders?! because there are many girls who are either anorexics or bulimics and they don’t know it! They even get support from their families and society. It’s becoming very serious and if it might eventually lead to their death!
People should consider losing weight for health reasons, not for having good looking asses! They should not become skinny also for health reasons. And ladies, if you still want to get skinny for the sake of men, please leave some flesh for the men to grab on will you?
My ass has a goal, but it was never for the bathing suit season and it will never be!
Check this AMAZING feminist act. I just loved it!