لو فرضنا

لو فرضنا إنو ماكنت قاعدة على الكمبيوتر هلق وعم بكتب
كنت يمكن برة (لو فرضنا إنو البلد مش ولعان حالياً)
بس فضلت إنو الشاشة تضهرني على آخر الدنيا

لو فرضنا..
كنت هلق صرت معجبة بشخص وصير شوفه وأحكيه
بس يمكن هيك أسهل..؟

لو فرضنا…
ماكان صار معي مشاكل بالتعبير عن مشاعري
خيي أسهل هيك…واحد أصفر حلّ المشكلة

لو فرضنا…
كنت عملت كم عملية تجميل
هيدا لو فرضنا إنو بقدر أحصل على مواصفات البنت المثالية للشاب اللبناني أو العربي أو حتى المريخي!
بس الله يخليلنا الفوتوشوب

الكمبيوتر أو الإنترنت؟؟ مافيي عيش من دونه….
مش إدمان…أو سمّيه إدمان…
بس أنا ناجحة بكل شي…لو فرضنا طبعاً مافي شي إسمه إجتماع…

رايحة أنا نحو الإفتراضية
بكرة بصير قول لو فرضنا…. كنت أنا حقيقية

No More Censorship!!

Thank you YouTube!!!

Can I have your phone number?!?!

What kind of questions is that??? I went with a friend to her friend’s bookshop…and a friend of my friend’s friend showed up and we were like talking and everything. They’re all 10 years (minimum) older than me but I was having SO much fun…then this new guy asked if I can help him buying a new Hard Disk and I was like okay the store is across the street! Anyways, on our way back he popped the question!!! I was like yeah whatever take it!!! Why would he want to take in the first place?!?! He’s a married guy, with kids, he treats me like a kid (after he found out my age), and the most important thing: I won’t answer any calls or messages anyways, and he probably knows it!!! So why???

So now I’m trying to find out the reason for that!!
I think it’s more a way to show you like a person as a friend. Yes as a friend, because if you like someone (as more than a friend) you ask for his/her mail first, trust me! There is no other explanation!! But again, why didn’t he ask for my friend’s number too?!?!?! I can’t see or understand the logic behind this!!

And what’s with this way?!?! You can’t say no to that!! I don’t mind but what if I did?!?! I would never imagine myself asking such a question! I remember once I wanted to get a guy’s phone number so bad, but I didn’t want to force him!! Okay I got it from a friend to send him a birthday message but still 😀 It’s alot better than asking the question 😀

In conclusion, I still don’t see why he did this!!!! It’s weird and useless!!!
And ohhhh!!! Why do some guys like to grow ONLY their little(pinky) finger’s nail?!?!?! I REALLY want to know!!!

B.Calatayud- Fandanguillo

Originally posted in 1/6/07

Bartolme Calatuyud(1882-1973 Spain) again…I didn’t notice that I have lots of pieces for this guy…It’s simple, easy, fast and ofcourse Spanish…the chords are very common (Em, D and C) and the hammers/pulls are wonderful (I LOVE hammers and pulls). Get the notes/tabs and the MIDI.
And here’s my playing…I played without repeating what should be repeated according to the notes I gave you, I like it this way more.

powered by ODEO
(played with a Yamaha C-70 classic guitar)

Enjoy =)


Do NOT miss these!!!!!

أكتشفت إنّو

عايشة أنا بمجتمع معشش فيه الجهل الديني
ممنوع ناقش فيه أيّا شي
بحجة إنو الناس كبرت وتربّت على هيك

مش رح يمشي الحال هيك


This is the most stupid website or tool I have ever seen(UPDATE: I said it’s stupid because of the reason the founders had,okay?). Yamli.

The Arab world has one of the highest internet usage growth rates. Yet, access to and development of Arabic content has been difficult, mainly because of the complexity of typing Arabic. Although Arabic keyboards are available, the vast majority of Arabic-speaking Internet users are accustomed to an English keyboard. Users often resort to spelling Arabic words out phonetically using English characters, a process known as transliteration. Yamli allows users to convert these English characters into Arabic words.

Taken From the Yamli Facebook group

What’s so good about it? Is it that hard to learn how to type Arabic letters?!?!?! To me, it’s a pure insult to the Arabic language! Read Haitham’s post about Arabic language and how -according to the Encarta Encyclopedia- it’s ranked as the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese (NOT English which came in the fourth place!!!!!). If they’re accustomed to English keyboards, let them get accustomed to Arabic keyboards too!! They make it sound as if it’s mission impossible or something!!

It would have been much better if they offered a simple and free Arabic typing lessons!! I’ve searching for such a program since forever!! (any help:$ ?).Yes I’m a slow Arabic typer but I was really offended when I read about this tool and I would never use it!!!

Yamli, yamli this: ana ra2ye enno hayde fekra sayyi2a jiddan! loghatak lazem tkoun masdar fakhrak msh masdar ellet khasseytak!!

أكتشفت إنّو

What’s wrong with me?!

C: heeey lilo..
me: heeey girl..keefik? missed you so much!
C: I’m okay..missed you too!
me: where have you been??? update me now!!!
C: Well I’m getting married soon!!!
C: hahahaha
me: Mabrouk wle…I’m so happy for you 3anjad!!!!
(details about how, when, who…etc)
C: and you? what about your new news?
me:……well I got myself a belly ring!!!
C: huh? did it hurt?
me: no not at all..and I got another earring men fo2!

Go Ubuntu Go!

اكتشفت إنّو

The Secret

“As you learn The Secret, you will come to know how you can have be, or do anything you want. You will come to know who you really are. You will come to know the true magnifecence that awaits you in life. “

This was from the Introduction of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It really got my interest although I’m not a big fan of such “guide to life” books.

The Secret as the book says is called the “Law Of Attraction” (LOA). It’s really simple: “Thoughts become things”. What you think is what you get. When you have a thought, you send the thought as a wave with a specific frequency and the universe receives this frequency and gives you back the thought manifested right in front of you!!! YES that simple!!!! It’s like you’re a big magnet that attracts like stuff because according to the law: “like attracts like”.

The book also simplifies the secret. You have 60,000 thoughts per day, and since it’s hard to control each one, you can control them by your emotions. If you feel good, then you must be thinking pleasant thoughts, and if you feel bad then you must be thinking unpleasant thoughts. The book suggests to use some kind of mood shifters so that when you’re feeling bad, use these shifters to switch your mood or feeling to Good, so you can attract the good manifestation of the thoughts.

How to use the secret?! Three simple steps using the example of “losing weight”:

1- Ask: it’s like placing an order! you do it once. Don’t think about what you DON’T want, think about what you DO want! Don’t say ” I don’t want to get fat”, say “I want to lose weight” instead. Get some goal photos of how do you want to look like!

2- Believe: Start acting as if you got what you want, and feel GOOD about it. Send the universe the frequency that you have it so it can bring it back to you. If you think that you don’t have it yet. This is what you’ll get: not having it. Start acting as if you already lost weight, don’t buy new cloths anymore for the current weight. BELIEVE you lost it! and feel GOOD about it! Enjoy your food, the flavor, the texture and don’t think about the calories or the fat! Don’t send “fat thoughts”!

3- Receive: Just sit and it will come to you. Whatever you want! The author has successfully lost her weight from almost 145 pounds to 116 pounds!

The book talks about the Secret to money, relationships, health, the world, you and life! I really recommend reading this book..it’s full of MANY things I couldn’t cover here! Whether you’re a believer or not, it’s where theologists and quantum physicists meet. Whatever you call it: energy, supreme power, god..etc. It’s there! It’s the most powerful power ever existed. Have faith in it! And it’ll get you what you want…you’ll get to write your own future, your own destiny!

I finished the book in two days. There was this example of a guy who tested the secret by thinking about a unique feather and couple of days later he found the exact feather in the street right before his feet!! So i thought I should do that too to test this LOA. For two days, I kept thinking about a “Red Cup of Coffee”, I couldn’t control my thoughts that much, the thoughts were different (a mug, drinking with friends, alone, small, large…etc) but they all had a RED cup of COFFEE. 2 days ago I was going home and right infront of the car in the middle of the highway there was this red Nescafe cup! To tell you the truth….it freaked me out 😀 I don’t know if it counts, that I really attracted that cup of coffee with my thoughts I kept thinking for two days or it meant nothing!

I don’t know…anyways it is an interesting book and I really really recommend the book to you to read! It’s really fun and makes you feel good about yourself!

Check the website for more info and methods for visualization to make it easy for you to visualize your dreams! www.thesecret.tv

Enjoy =)

B.Calatayud- Caramba

Originally posted in 12/28/06

3 S’s: Short, Spanish and Simple…Bartolome Calatayud’s(1882-1973 Spain) Caramba recorded again using the microphone from hell…so again never mind the unpleasant sounds. Here are the notes/tabs (right click, save target as…) that I used and also a MIDI (right click, save target as…). Enjoy =)

powered by ODEO
(played with a Yamaha C-70 classic guitar)