It’s a pretty hot summer indeed in Lebanon… A strike that turned into a civil war… I’m scared..Yesterday when I heard the gunshots getting closer to my house I couldn’t stand up!! I couldn’t run!! and I couldn’t even move!!! I was and still scared!! For those who don’t know, I live in Ras ElNabe’-Bchara ElKhoury area…yes in the middle of the action!! In our building there’s a Security(?) office -I’m not sure if it’s still there as I write this- that is known to be a Future Party office… So you can imagine the horror we were living in for the past few months…

Believe me it’s more dangerous than the July-2006 war, this is much worse… MFL your professor is 100% right:

“Remember Class, remember my words very well… a civil war is three times more destructive than a normal war…the ones in the same borders shooting each other will show no mercy even to their own kin…” My History Professor, 1993

I have nothing to say, I just hope everyone is safe…please people stay safe…stay out of the windows/balconies, Snipers joined the game now… Nasrallah’s speech was harsh and Saad’s speech will be the same and it will get worse…Again, Stay safe people!! Me and my family managed to go to ElChouf this morning, Junblat rules the area so ofcourse nobody will do anything in this area… It’s where he sits and watch!!!

See people?? See where is your sectarianism and your false religous bullshit taking us?? Are you happy now?? I can’t believe I live in a country where a civil war breaks twice in the same generation!!! Well that’s what you get when you still follow your war lords!! When you let them rule your country!! Damn you all!!! I’m sure some of you are excited and getting their very same weapons they used couple of decades ago!!! I hope you retards kill each other…and I hope you all burn in hell!! Maybe we’ll get some peace then!!