Okay this part is more like of a question to anyone who would like to answer…Also it may apply to any Arab country not only Egypt…

Since high school days started (in my 15-17 years of age), I’ve preferred not to tell my nationality in Egypt to new people I meet unless they ask. Why? Because I always got this “Oh you’re slut?” look…So no I wasn’t shy with who I am, I was afraid of them starting to act as if I am one!!(Some DID!!).
For example:
-Oh you’re Lebanese?! I love Lebanon very much..
-Really?? Ever been there??
-No! But I want to…I watch LBC!! *that look*

You think it’s just about new people who don’t know me?! Try hearing this from your school friends(?) on a regular basis: This is just a sample of many!!

-Next summer you’ll go Lebanon, You’ll come back pregnant!!! Ha Ha Ha (Yeah I was supposed to laugh!!)
-Why is it always hot in Lebanon?! I want to go there to see “mozaz”, get me some when you come back!
-Yeah I can see why you don’t wear the veil, you’re Lebanese!!
-You need an Egyptian guy, Lebanese men are gay!!
-How do you dress in Lebanon?? *with that look of anticipation and a silly smile*
-How come you’re single…you’re Lebanese!!!! (as if there’s a law that forbids single girls to exist or something…)

My question is: why?!! How can a whole country be judged just from one or two TV station?? And please note I don’t look like “LBC girls” at all. I’m barely attractive!!! So I really don’t get it!

It’s just a simple why…I really have nothing to say about this matter. But I had to include it in this “diary parts” because I had to go through this everday….till NOW!!!