Okay this part is more like of a question to anyone who would like to answer…Also it may apply to any Arab country not only Egypt…
Since high school days started (in my 15-17 years of age), I’ve preferred not to tell my nationality in Egypt to new people I meet unless they ask. Why? Because I always got this “Oh you’re slut?” look…So no I wasn’t shy with who I am, I was afraid of them starting to act as if I am one!!(Some DID!!).
For example:
-Oh you’re Lebanese?! I love Lebanon very much..
-Really?? Ever been there??
-No! But I want to…I watch LBC!! *that look*
You think it’s just about new people who don’t know me?! Try hearing this from your school friends(?) on a regular basis: This is just a sample of many!!
-Next summer you’ll go Lebanon, You’ll come back pregnant!!! Ha Ha Ha (Yeah I was supposed to laugh!!)
-Why is it always hot in Lebanon?! I want to go there to see “mozaz”, get me some when you come back!
-Yeah I can see why you don’t wear the veil, you’re Lebanese!!
-You need an Egyptian guy, Lebanese men are gay!!
-How do you dress in Lebanon?? *with that look of anticipation and a silly smile*
-How come you’re single…you’re Lebanese!!!! (as if there’s a law that forbids single girls to exist or something…)
My question is: why?!! How can a whole country be judged just from one or two TV station?? And please note I don’t look like “LBC girls” at all. I’m barely attractive!!! So I really don’t get it!
It’s just a simple why…I really have nothing to say about this matter. But I had to include it in this “diary parts” because I had to go through this everday….till NOW!!!
Stereotypes + Media
The most two disastrous things on Earth.
Easy, stereotyping.
I don’t believe I’ll use this sentence in 2 successive weeks but here it is:
People suck. People behavior suck.
Anyway, I love Lebanon although I’ve never been there but just because of the accent 🙂
Beside, Who said you are not attractive ? I thought you are on ubuntu which makes you attractive!!
/me blushes
like Mohamed said , you know the Gulf States people always think the same about the Egyptian people
about Lebanon , I think the Lebanese channels and singers play a very important role
yeah i guess you’re right…disastrous indeed..
m. sameer
Yes people suck very much..i always say that the whole human race is a disgrace!!
And we like the Egyptian accent as well 😀
And yes I’m a new Ubuntu user ( months now) so yeah that might make me a bit attractive 😀
Yeah I agree about the Gulf issue…They think the same about Lebanon too…but it’s weird because the real life is different from what is shown on TV…
whole On the other hand…the people here don’t believe that some of the Egyptian movies and TV series show part of the real Egyptian society..