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how does it feel??
alive 🙂
especially when you’re loved back..
hahaha yel3an el 7ob shu bezell!
😀 and who’s the lucky one 😉 ?
meen 2al enno bezell? 🙂
a friend from uni 🙂 we were pretty close lately…so practically it’s not new 🙂
Congrats, u got one, and lost all the others. Say welcome to ur lover ……. and goodbye to ur friends.
I didn’t lose anyone.. 🙂 Why did you say that??? is it based on a previous experience?!
based on a million true story, and neither of them was mine…
all i wanna say that if u one day forced to choose between “A” friend and “THE” lover .. choose “A” friend
What if THE lover was (and still is) A friend before he became a lover?!
so it’s too late…
i might be psychologically complex and might be telling the truth .. i really donnow … and sorry for disturbing