There’s nothing harder than having a son(?) of your own country occupying your own country!! That’s what the Egyptian people is facing in my opinion..Their land, their souls, their bread, their lives and everything they have are taken away from them by the Egyptian(?) tyrant regime!!!

Mubarak, did you believe that you can keep the protests and the “NO” behind the university campuses forever?!!? did you really think that you can arrest all of these young men and women?!?! kill them?? torture them??? and even if you did do that…do you really believe that it kill or simply erase the idea of bringing you down??? You can’t be stronger than the power of the people…no matter how powerful you or your masters are!!

And please, next time (if any) when you lecture about democracy, please remember Israa Abdel Fatah who’s in custody because of practicing her least rights as a citizen..calling for a strike!!!!
When you talk about democracy, remember AlMahalla, and how you’re killing them because they dared to live…and you can’t lie about or cover it!!! Arresting bloggers and journalists isn’t going to hide what you’re doing to your(?) people…

And oh…Enjoy your birthday in the 4th of May, ra7 t2oum el denye w ma to23od!!! They’re sending the invitation cards from now!!!

PS: No matter how I talk about what’s going on there, I won’t be just and good ofcourse as this blog: 6 April 2008’s Strike. Check it constantly to know what’s really going on there. Check this flickr account: Egypt Sons for real photos.