I never had this butterflies-in-the-stomach thing!
And I sleep very well actually!!
I can’t stand your face when PMSing!!
I have no problem with food when I miss you!
I don’t get jealous! It drives you crazy I know, get used to it!!
I don’t show “emotions” like you do!!
Sometimes you notice I’m not okay, I tell you the opposite, I lie!

I’m just freaking out right now!!
Every night I freak out and I think “What did I get myself into?”
Every night I think of ending everything!!
Everything… I guess you’re everything now!
That’s what makes me forget the freaking out when I see you the next day!!
That’s what gives me the reason to freak out again the next night!!
It’s not how I feel when you’re not around, It’s how I feel when you are!!

So until the time comes where we can share our nights…
I’ll freak out!!