It’s funny how we use English Technical Terms in our Arabic sentences. I managed to think of some words, please be free to add more:
Sayyiv–> To save
Tallat–> Usually referred to computers and now to people’s brains!
Next next next–> Used to refer to how easy to install a clicking “Next” repeatedly till you see a “Finish”
Windows Linux–> No Comment..damn you Gates!!
Ye7ro2 CD–> Burn!!
Fata7 Internet–> …
Birib (brb)–> And the answer would be teeet (tyt)
Mascil–> To miss call someone!
Copy Paste–> That’s how you research now!!
Bawwit–> To Boot the Windows Linux 😛
tallat mahdoumi ktiiiir I use this term a lot 🙂
1-yestup>>>>> setiing up the software
2-yfarmat>>>> formating the hard drive
3-acapiaro w pastato>>>>> copy and paste ” it is the egyptian slang language”
4- mokarack>>>>> a cracked software ” sudanese slang”
khawwta eh ana kamen..betallet mokhi kteer sometimes 😀
wentamala7lak 😀
the first two i heard them before…
acapiaro w pastato is new and hilarious 😀
mokarack is nice and logical too 😀
thanks for the terms!
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khodilik 3ala hugs ahaha 😀
leiki fi ba3ed ydallit = to delete
ycancel = to cancel
I have one of my own
beddi agatgit = i gtg
huwa yugatgit, hiya tugatgit, hum yugatgetoon, antoma tugatgitan etc etc etc 😛
hehehe.. I have one for you:
kanselha >> click cancel
amal, agatgit is the best!!! 😀
ghassan you’re rignt..i forgot that..kansel mazbout!!! 😀
hmm .. it is too late now, but on the topic of Arabified technical terms i have:
فرمتَ ، يفرمتُ ، فهو مفرمت
Farmata, Yorfarmito, Mofarmat
I’ve heard this so often it is practically an Arabic word now :-). Used when you “Format” your computer to wipe it clean and re-install your operating system.