I was 5 years old when we moved to Egypt, so growing up there didn’t seem a problem to me..I didn’t know other place to compare with. Ofcourse going to Lebanon in the summer was the time to wait for the whole year but still. I used to speak Egyptian there, in fact nobody would know I’m Lebanese unless somebody tells them, my Egyptian accent was(and still is) flawless!
So, I didn’t experience any kind of problems! it was very normal and it felt like home..At school, I made great friends, we were a family, you know hanging out with the same friends everyday for several years, the bond becomes stronger than the family blood because you get to choose your friends! I used to love the first day at school just to meet the new people! I’ve always loved company and I never had a problem to blend in ANY kind of groups.
Anyways, years passed by and I’m in an Arabic period in Grade 6. I don’t remember what the teacher was talking about but I remember him saying “And Ofcourse, We all know that Lebanon is being occupied now by Israel…”. I wasn’t shocked by what he said, I was shocked by the whole class’s reaction! It was nothing but a big “BOOOOOOO” accompanied by fingers pointed at me! I can’t describe how it felt! But it was so weird and shocking that I didn’t do anything but smiling! In the very same day, during the recess, I remember bursting into tears on my best friend’s shoulder!
I didn’t cry because of the occupation thing, I didn’t cry because the teacher said that the whole Lebanese soil was occupied and that he was wrong, I did because it was the first time I felt like a stranger, a minority or an intruder! It might sound silly to some (or many) of you but it really hurt!! And I kind of understood what it’s like to love your country and be proud of it!! They loved their country and BOOed and I loved mine and cried!! It was my first time as well to use the terms (in my head) them and me !! I went home that day, didn’t talk about it with anyone, not even my friends the next day!! Actually this is the first time I mention this!!
…to be continued!!
PS: I still consider most of them my friends!! great friends actually!!
Who told you to negate first? :p
But yea being a minority is really so bad.
Waiting for the next.
اكيد موقف مش ظريف و انا اعلم قدر حب اللبنانين خاصة لبلادهم و اشهد انهم الافضل في حبهم و انتمائهم و وعيهم و انا اضرب بكم المثل في هذا دائماً
بس اقولش حاجه تضحك
انا لي صديقة لبنانية اسمها فرح هي من لبنان و عايشه هناك و بتيجي مصر كل فتره لما بتيجي و تبدأ تتعايش مع الجو المصري الاقيها تتكلم مصري من اجساسها انا في بلدها و انها لبنانيه مصريها
عندها اطلب منها ان تعود للبنانيتها لأني أعشق اللكنة اللبنانية 😀
Gohary!! LOL..can’t say more 😀 why are you pessimistic!! You know your country you should know better than that 😀
أنا كمان بمصر بحكي مصري
قليل اللي بيسمعني بحكي لبناني
طلعت مش أنا لحالي
I LOVE lebanese accent 😀
i think the moral of the incident is that we “arabs” shouldn’t boo at each other when any of us is in trouble 🙂
bas by the way.. arabs don’t boo at each other anymore.. they simply don’t look at all.. ya3ni they ignore..
alla yer7am eyyam l boo. lol 🙂
Sarli zaman ma jeet hon .. wallah mghayra ktir osas..
addesh kallafek kollo 3ala ba3do?
Lalloush happy birthday raghm el si3ab el iqlimiyyi wil personaliyyi.
i guess you’re right..allah yir7am ayyam el boo 🙁
amal wallah 3al fadawi heik beseer…
thanks dear 🙂 nshallah ykoun happy birthday 🙂