I’ve been wanting to talk about that since forever!! I have so much to talk about and I don’t know where to start…This post is only to encourage me to organize what I’d like to say and post 2 or 3 (maybe more) posts soon..
It’s a very important phase of my life and it helped in making who I am now..whether I enjoyed it or not!!
Or maybe you should have said: If you didn’t like it or not 😛
rabena ma3aki 😀
Like or enjoy 🙂 it’s the same don’t you think? 🙂
I meant the negation first 🙂
Why being negative? 🙂
It wasn’t bad 😀 I’ve had good and bad times there…which is normal I guess..
But it’s interesting to me because i’ve been exposed to some stuff that made me form my opinions and character..
If i’ve been in another place or in Lebanon…i might have turned out to be a completely other person!!
I wish you luck in your stay ,and I encourge you to write about your experiences as it gives you a chance to reflect on your daily life ,
that may came across as a little ponderous..
nontheless ,keep posting!
it was a lucky stay 🙂
I came back to Beirut 5 years ago 🙂
And the first post is on the way 🙂
يا لها من أساة
ليه أحمد؟