This is the most stupid website or tool I have ever seen(UPDATE: I said it’s stupid because of the reason the founders had,okay?). Yamli.

The Arab world has one of the highest internet usage growth rates. Yet, access to and development of Arabic content has been difficult, mainly because of the complexity of typing Arabic. Although Arabic keyboards are available, the vast majority of Arabic-speaking Internet users are accustomed to an English keyboard. Users often resort to spelling Arabic words out phonetically using English characters, a process known as transliteration. Yamli allows users to convert these English characters into Arabic words.

Taken From the Yamli Facebook group

What’s so good about it? Is it that hard to learn how to type Arabic letters?!?!?! To me, it’s a pure insult to the Arabic language! Read Haitham’s post about Arabic language and how -according to the Encarta Encyclopedia- it’s ranked as the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese (NOT English which came in the fourth place!!!!!). If they’re accustomed to English keyboards, let them get accustomed to Arabic keyboards too!! They make it sound as if it’s mission impossible or something!!

It would have been much better if they offered a simple and free Arabic typing lessons!! I’ve searching for such a program since forever!! (any help:$ ?).Yes I’m a slow Arabic typer but I was really offended when I read about this tool and I would never use it!!!

Yamli, yamli this: ana ra2ye enno hayde fekra sayyi2a jiddan! loghatak lazem tkoun masdar fakhrak msh masdar ellet khasseytak!!