This is my first blog post where no Micro$oft “thing” is involved 🙂
Jarelkamar thanks for the motivation 🙂
You didn’t do that personally but your post did 😀
hey ,long time 🙂
Ubunto is a dear OS 🙂
keep on 🙂 and grate choose 🙂
welcome to the freedom
welcome to the open sources
cheers 😉
BTW: this’s ubunto studio it’s based on ubunto
qabbani..thanks 🙂 i’m enjoying it…i’m still saving windows XP on another partition! but i’m sure Vista WILL NOT be installed on my laptop as long as i lived 😀
yassari 🙂
thanks alot for your visit and comment 🙂 i’m still new to the concept but i’m getting used to it..i mean i’m using the terminal now 😀 yay me 🙂
well expect many “help” messages from me now :P:P:P hehehehe
you are totally welcomed sweety
will wait for em if u faced any problem 🙂
3anjad 😉
Fe3lan Bravo!!! You are now liberated 😛
Anytime you got questions, let me know.
كلنا نحب اوبنتو
jpierre..estanna bass till i get a MAC 😀
3la fekra..the laptop looks funny…it has a “designed for microsoft windows” sticker plus an Apple logo next to it (came with iPod) and now it has ubuntu running 3aleh 😀
ahmad…and the others who commented here…7okema 3alekom to be my technical support buddies when i mess things up…:D i feel sorry for you guys men halla2 😀
I am happy that it worked fine with you . here’s some links that may be useful for you :
if you have an account on delicious why don’t u just tag interesting handy pages using the word : Ubuntu
thanks 🙂
yes i have a delicious..thanks for reminding me of it 😀