selfish people
(some of my classmates)
(some of my classmates)
people who care about themselves and their precious time
(they want to start the new course this week)
even if what they’re rushing could hurt others
(3 guys can’t pay for it this week, they’ll have to miss it)
they even won’t lose anything if they delayed their “plans” a bit
(only 12 days)
i hate them
(very much)
طولي بالك ليال
selfishness is learned from the imm w bayy.
and selflessness is also learned from the imm w bayy.
imm el selfishness 3ala bayya
i don’t know why they did this..they were nagging about the price of some courses…which means they sort of know the value of money…i didn’t expect their reaction!!!
w eza heik…then immon w bayyon bel marra!!!
emm el selfishness 3la bayya wel 3ayle kella kamen
bas ba3d el monakashat…no classes this week 🙂 so ta2riban mesha el7al..
elhamdillah ma 2aja 7adan ghareeb,
nahayneha bil bay wil imm wil 3ayli.
mnee7a 😀 …….
Chill Out wilik 😀