I can’t understand where this excitement to know people comes from! I mean EVERYONE I know is talking about facebook.

“w 3asho?”

I remember me trying hi5..but then I deleted my account after a while. I received many invitations to try other social-related websites (I can only remember zorpia now) but all of them were gladly rejected. Until I discovered facebook, I saw it on hilal’s blog actually and I was like: “sho sarlo hayda? sho facebook me?!” and I clicked.

I liked how it was organized, so I signed up and ofcourse didn’t send any invitations to anyone -i hate this-. It was nice, the feeds, the notes, the groups, and ofcourse the events (the best). The status is nice but I already use twitter.

Now what really annoys me is the GROUPS. There are 4 kinds of groups I hate and they are everywhere:

1- “if this group reaches ….I will….”. That is just stupid!!!!! and what pisses me off is that there are groups of this kind that promise things like decreasing the mobile bill costs in Lebanon. eh natreen el facebook la yreddo 3alaykon..w akleh!!!

2- “for each __ member, I will donate $__ to ___”. If you really care about the cause, why don’t you go donate yourself?? May I add that usually the value is no more than $5??

3- “how many___on facebook, let’s find out”. Okay, then what?!

4- And ofcourse there are the racist groups which are simply the most disgusting and shows how sick people are in their minds!!!!! check this if you want.

Actually there are more than 4 but these are the really really really annoying groups!

I’ll leave you with a recent conversation I had with a friend on windows live messenger (aka msn):
-nightS, check my profile picture
-man it didn’t load yet!
-not here you silly, on facebook…god you’re so old!