I was drawing some pigs (don’t ask) in Costa-Hamra yesterday. There were these two at a table next to me, one is lebanese (smallah 3la shababo) and the other is american i think.

lebanese (3amel 7alo 2ossa kbeere): yeah sure….(..) during the war last year (…), syria (…)…….
american (asking about the area): What was it like in….(…)?
lebanese (very uhhhhhs included): north (…) south…

Apparently (according to my amazing intelligence), our lebanese guy thinks he’s a guide or something w akho ekhta!

american: in the past, there was something between egypt and syria?
lebanese (wa nazrat al balah ertasamat 3la wajhehe): huh?
american: not now, there was like some kind of agreement or deal??
lebanese: huh?? oh no no no such thing

Here, I stopped listening (in other words, 3assabit), and I continued drawing the pig (don’t ask).

If you want, draw your own pig!
Mine is on the left, the pig on the right is Monah’s!