I was drawing some pigs (don’t ask) in Costa-Hamra yesterday. There were these two at a table next to me, one is lebanese (smallah 3la shababo) and the other is american i think.
lebanese (3amel 7alo 2ossa kbeere): yeah sure….(..) during the war last year (…), syria (…)…….
american (asking about the area): What was it like in….(…)?
lebanese (very uhhhhhs included): north (…) south…
Apparently (according to my amazing intelligence), our lebanese guy thinks he’s a guide or something w akho ekhta!
american: in the past, there was something between egypt and syria?
lebanese (wa nazrat al balah ertasamat 3la wajhehe): huh?
american: not now, there was like some kind of agreement or deal??
lebanese: huh?? oh no no no such thing
Here, I stopped listening (in other words, 3assabit), and I continued drawing the pig (don’t ask).
Mine is on the left, the pig on the right is Monah’s!
ma fhemet shu da5al el american bel lebnene be egypet be syria bel pig (imad)
innu sahle, killon pigs, lol 😛
w ghayron kaman hehe 🙂
c my pig ma 27leee 😀 bi3a22id 😀
imad, rakkez 😛
lebnane w american 3am ye7ko
ana 3am betnassat 3alayon
bnafs el wa2et 3am bersom khanazeer ajallak
sme3ton 3am ye7ko 3an syria w egypt
khalek b sheghlak 😛
w monah your pig is not a pig…unknown species! 😛
I was in Costa for a very brief moment 🙂
3anjad?? kenet ta7et ana!
matkoun enta el shab el lebnani el 3azim? 😛
main hayda? I just past for a moment :D, manni la 3azeem wala man yahzanoon…
Thanks for article!
Thanks for interesting article.
Glad to read articles like this. Thanks to author!