Fos7a #1 Enna 7azzi Boraz Biraz…shokran jazilan jij Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) December 30, 2006 By nights Uncategorized thoughts 12 Comments أضحى و ميلاديةأضحى و ميلادية
eh, 7’ara ya3ne…
ah. mich biraz?
sho biraz?
ah you mean biraz msh boraz? wallah ma32oul… enna 7azzi biraz elboraz (whatever boraz sho btetla3)
um. Tawwli belek. Luck changes by definition.
wlok w ana 3am 2omro2 min hon w 2ool shou ya3neh “boraz” shou ya3neh “boraz”.
shakkeit bil fos7a tab3eeteh 🙂
hope so jij…bas ana mtawle elhay2a..la2anno aslan sarle zamen heik….w hilal matshek ana ta3ise b heik eshya 🙂
ok, u r tagged then 😛
guys, it’s baraz!
ah 3anjad? 😀 l3ama sho hal 7az hayda? mafi kelme tanye bel fos7a anonymous? 3al adman heik 🙂
please specify your name or something…
luck doesnt even exist 😛